Benedicte Raae πŸ‘‘

Benedicte Raae πŸ‘‘

Queen Raae - Let's get the most out of @GatsbyJS | Creator of POW! β€” the privacy-first menstrual cycle journal ( | Co-host of the @SlowSteadyPod

Appears in 106 Episodes

Constitution Day, Vacations, and Stripe!

We're back! Benedicte waits to hear back on a Gatsby proposal. Benedikt returns from vacation.

Multiplying Estimates By 3?

Benedicte is anxious about an inbound lead for new Gatsby work. Benedikt is almost done with the new signup flow implementation.

Inbox Zero & Person of the Week!

Benedikt closes in on a major feature implementation. Benedicte gets some feedback on 1:1 calls and POW!

Exits and New Beginnings with Anna Maste

Anna Maste is the founder of Subscribe Sense, a business she started after exiting Boondockers Welcome.

Come on the Show, Get Funded!

Benedikt is working on a new signup flow for Userlist. Benedicte has fun at MicroConf.

tldraw with Steve Ruiz

Benedikt and Benedicte chat with Steve Ruiz about tldraw, art, and slicing pizzas 11 ways.

Google Workspace Woes

Benedikt's productive week included migrating to Google Workspace. Benedicte heads to MicroConf in Minneapolis.

On the Road Again

Benedicte returns to the show from Athens. Benedikt tackles some complexity in a new feature.

Brian is back in town, literally

While Benedicte spends the week in London, Benedikt checks in with Brian about the end of the six months on the road, his board game adventure, and his new job at GitL...

POW! Turns Two

Benedicte's app, POW!, turns two years old on International Women's Day. Benedikt enjoys the ability to pair program again.

Vacation Mode & Surprise Integrations

Benedicte enjoys a serene winter wonderland. Benedikt adds an unexpected integration.

Llama Life with Marie Ng

Marie joins Benedicte and Benedikt to discuss building Llama Life, a productivity app centered around focus and fun, in public.

Comparing timestamps to dates?

Benedikt asks some tough comparison questions. Benedicte leans on the "engine" and has some fun.

Celebrate the Praise

Benedicte shares some positive feedback. Benedikt moves forward with a suite of integrations.

Fully Vested!

Time flies for Benedikt at Userlist. Benedicte will save you from your Gatsby emergency.

Newsletter Glue with Lesley πŸ•

Benedikt and Benedicte chat with Lesley about her product Newsletter Glue.Lesley's websiteFollow Lesley on TwitterNewsletter Glue β€” Lesley's productWordPress Gutenberg...

Dodging "Blue Monday"

The third Monday of January may be a downer, but not for Benedikt and Benedicte!

Party in Oslo!

Benedicte celebrates her birthday and Benedikt dives into backend work.

Setting Goals for 2022

Welcome to the new year! Benedicte and Benedikt report on their year-end breaks and share a few goals for the coming year.

We Have a Contest Winner!

In his last episode before taking a break, Brian gets some great news about his game, Backpack. Benedicte recovers from a few sick days. Benedikt shares some hiring le...

It's Time to Take a Break

The gang is all here! In addition to updates, they discuss the "sawdust" metaphor β€”Β packaging the byproducts of your primary service and putting them to good use. Bria...

Not Sponsored by Stripe.

Not sponsored, but Benedikt and Benedicte rave about Stripe a little. The Userlist team grew by one while Benedikt was on vacation. Benedicte gets a small POW! win.

No Cell Service. No Internet.

Brian is back! He returns from the Grand Canyon trip and reflects on his time spent while disconnected. Benedicte gives a progress update on her Gatsby work and her pl...

Let it Snow!

Benedikt and Benedicte pair up for another week without Brian. Benedikt continues to interview at Userlist which offers learning opportunities. Benedicte shares both a...

Hiring, Bootcamps, and Winter!

With Brian away, Benedikt and Benedicte discuss the nuances of why hiring can be difficult. Benedikt shares how the search for open roles at Userlist is going. Benedic...

Don’t we all want a successful SaaS?

Brian starts his role at GitLab and continues to make progress on outsourcing development with Benedikt recaps the email marketing feature launch and shares ...

Launching a Userlist Feature with Matt Wensing

Matt Wensing joins Benedicte, Brian, and Benedikt to talk about Userlist's new marketing email feature. Brian enjoys vacation and finds development help. Benedicte lau...

Brian is Joining GitLab!

Big news this week as Brian announces that he's taking a full-time job. Why now and what does it mean for

"Do you TDD?" with Brian Casel

Brian Casel joins Benedicte, Brian, and Benedikt to talk about ZipMessage, selling businesses, hiring contractors to collaborate with, and how becoming a developer mak...

Vote for Queen Raae

Benedicte got nominated for The Jammies Awards. Brian is feeling a bit overwhelmed by too many things on his plate. Benedikt realized why they are procrastinating a bi...