Benedicte Raae 👑

Benedicte Raae 👑

Queen Raae - Let's get the most out of @GatsbyJS | Creator of POW! — the privacy-first menstrual cycle journal ( | Co-host of the @SlowSteadyPod

Appears in 105 Episodes

Trying out new things

Benedicte tries out a new physical activity. Benedikt works on new features for Userlist.

Celebrating the Big Four-O 🥳

Benedicte celebrates her big four-o with a spa day by the ocean. Benedikt and the Userlist team are working on the redesign of their blog.

Setting Goals for 2023

Cheers to the new year! Benedicte and Benedikt look back at their 2022 journeys and set new goals for the coming year.

Happy 2023!

Benedikt and Benedicte talk about their wonderful holiday breaks and upcoming plans for 2023.

The numbers are in

Benedicte and Benedikt talk about the recent launch of Prune Your Follows on ProductHunt, migrating from Heroku Postgres to Crunchy Bridge, and preparing for some time...

Prune Your Follows is now on Product Hunt!

Benedicte launches Prune Your Follows on Product Hunt. Benedikt deals with small annoyances at work.

Full steam ahead with Prune Your Follows

Benedikt and the Userlist team decide on their next big feature. Benedicte comes across new challenges with Prune Your Follows.

Crunching through the to-do list

Benedicte and Benedikt return to the daily grind after enjoying the conference season.

Unleash with Ivar Østhus

Ivar Østhus of Unleash chats with Benedicte about feature flagging, how they enable collaboration in teams, how they turned their side gig into a full time business, a...

Coming to you from San Francisco

Benedicte enjoys a fun week at Jamstack Conf. Benedikt wraps things up at work before next week’s MicroConf Europe.

Protect your email address and domain

After running into a problem with her domain, Benedicte and Benedikt talk about how to protect your email address and domain.

Outseta with Geoff Roberts

Geoff Roberts of Outseta chats with Benedikt and Benedicte about how they help early stage founders, their uncommon operating and compensation model, and more.

The best solution to feeling anxious

Benedicte lands the deal for Prune Your Follows. Benedikt deals with the slow speed of moving their rendered emails.

When is a solution good enough?

Benedikt focuses on solving other issues on Userlist. Benedicte makes the most out of her vacation in Germany.

What makes a senior developer?

Benedicte pitches her latest side project to a database startup. Benedikt gets an interesting question from his mentee.

Conference Hacks

Benedicte and Benedikt share tips on how to make the most out of conferences and more.

Shipping quality stuff vs. shipping stuff fast

Coming back from a two-week break here at the podcast, Benedikt and Benedicte talk about the progress they’re making and a few existential questions about shipping upd... with Bhanu Teja P

Benedicte chats with founder Bhanu Teja P to talk about his Notion to blog platform and the importance of marketing your product.

Everything’s Coming Together

Benedikt and Benedicte are both celebrating very productive weeks as they see all their efforts come together in their respective projects.

Write Down Your Passwords

Benedicte and Benedikt talk about the updates from the week and why it's in fact good idea to write down your passwords.

Kind of Done with Summer

With the summer almost over, Benedicte is excited to get back on the grind. Benedikt deals with the heat wave and the load of small things at work.

User Experience with Nathan Powell

UX designer Nathan Powell joins Benedicte and Benedikt to talk about his latest projects, some practical UX tips, and the common struggles with onboarding.

Slow (& Steady) Summer Rhythm

Benedicte is enjoying the slow summer rhythm. Benedikt and the team are feeling good about the new pricing.

Protecting data privacy

Benedikt fights against spam sign-ups. Benedicte contemplates the next steps for POW! in light of the recent overturn in the U.S.

pgMustard with Michael Christofides

Michael Christofides of pgMustard chats with Benedikt and Benedicte about gardening, pgMustard, PostgreSQL, and doing marketing for SaaS.

New Userlist Pricing is Up!

Benedikt finally launches the new pricing. Benedicte talks about their ideas for the next season of the stream.

Ship it, ship it, ship it!

Benedikt finalizes new pricing. Benedicte digs deeper into Cloudinary.

Getting the Gig!

Benedicte and Ola win the Gatsby gig! Benedikt spies a new opportunity.

ScrapingBee with Pierre de Wulf

Pierre de Wulf chats with Benedikt and Benedicte about ScrapingBee, PricingBot, growing with a small team, and leveraging communities.

Constitution Day, Vacations, and Stripe!

We're back! Benedicte waits to hear back on a Gatsby proposal. Benedikt returns from vacation.